Signs Of Fake Himalayan Salt Lamp You Must Be Aware Of
Over the last few years, there has been a rise in the popularity of Himalayan salt lamps. They're advertised as natural air purifiers that can reduce allergens, improve overall wellness and even help you sleep better at night. While these benefits may be true, one thing you should be aware of is that many sellers are selling fake versions which don't have any of these effects. This can be frustrating when you've spent money on something that doesn't do what it's supposed to. Here are some ways to tell if your lamp is fake or not: Too Bright for The Sky If your himalayan salt lamps is too bright, it may not be a Himalayan salt lamp at all. If you've just bought a Himalayan salt lamp and the light it gives off is brighter than you expected or want, this could indicate that what you've bought isn't actually a genuine Himalayan salt lamp. The reason for this is that natural-colour lamps are not supposed to be as bright as white or clear lamps; they're ...