
Showing posts from March, 2022

Cleansing and Calming Your Space: How to Use a Sage Smudge Stick

  Whether you're cleansing your personal space or want to get rid of negative energy, a sage smudge stick is a perfect way to do it. Sage has been used medicinally and ceremonially by many cultures throughout history and is still popular today for its cleansing and calming properties just like the  Himalayan salt lamps .  In this post, we'll teach you how to use a sage smudge stick for the best effect. What is a sage smudge stick? Smudge sticks are made from dried herbs that are bundled together and wrapped in a natural fibre such as cotton, linen, or hemp. The smudge stick is then lit and used to cleanse the air or specific areas in your home. Sages are some of the most popular herbs used for smudging because they're believed to have cleansing and purifying properties. Other herbs that can be used for smudging include sweetgrass, lavender, and cedar. Why use a sage smudge stick? Sage smudging is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to cleanse and purify s...